St. Barnabas Anglican Parish, Bluff.
31.08.24 Matthew 25:14-30 Reflection I believe the main focus of today’s gospel is to make the most of our talents. Take some quiet moments to list down all your talents and skills. Among those you have listed, which talents/skills give you joy? If I may, those talents/skills would be when I have used them to address the needs of people around me. Thank God for that opportunity to bear many fruits in life. Prayer Lord God - we give you thanks for all your gifts to us – for daily food - for health - for each breath we take - for freedom to choose - and for the gifts of your word, your power, and your love. Our hearts are truly overwhelmed, O God, when we consider all that you are and how you have entrusted so much to us. May we be worthy of that trust - may we be a people who are unafraid to live as fully and as richly as you want us to live.... Lord hears our prayer....
St. Barnabas Anglican Parish, Bluff.
30/8/24 Today's gospel Mathew 25 v1 to 13. This is a scary parable but a harsh reality. It is talking about the end times. It is warning us that we need to live in a manner that knows and expects the return of Jesus Christ. We need to be vigilant to the coming of Jesus and to be prepared for His return. THE QUESTION IS WHICH BRIDESMAIDS ARE WE?. Let us pray. Father God, teach us to be vigilant for Your Son's return, teach us to be wise, patient, kind, and to leave by Your example. May we be steadfast in Your Word, we pray. Amen St. Barnabas Anglican, Bluff.
29.08.24 Matthew 24:42-51 Some thoughts on this scripture Throughout tvhe gospels, Jesus speaks about being ‘awake’ and paying attention. Am I so preoccupied with the busyness of life and my own particular cares and concerns that I sometimes forget to watch and pray? The idea that God might come at any hour makes some people nervous and afraid. If I let Jesus lead me into a deeper love of God, I realise that I have nothing to fear but am able - at any time - to say to God, ‘Look, here I am.’ Today's Prayer O Lord and Master, I want to be prepared and waiting when you come. Please quicken my heart with your Spirit so that I can be alert and ready, anticipating your great victory and longing for your great triumph when you come. Father, please also use me to help prepare others with an eagerness and excitement about your Son's return in glory with the mighty angels. May we, the church of this generation, be ready when the day of victory, rejoicing, and triumph occurs. In Jesus' name. Amen. St. Barnabas Anglican Parish, Bluff.
28/8/24 Today's gospel John 14 vs 6 to 15. In this scripture, Christ reassures us that faith in Him is faith in God. So, to know Christ is to know the way, the truth and the life. Thus, the words, actions and miracles of Jesus, give us Christians the confidence to trust that He will guarantee His promises. So, we will keep his commandments to show our love for Him. The bottom line is that we love Jesus Christ, we must keep His commandments. Let us pray. Father God, Your Son said that is the way, the truth and the life. Please teach us not to stray away from You who is the way, nor to distrust You who is the truth, and keep teaching us by Your Holy Spirit what we ought to do and where to take our rest. We pray in Christ's name. Amen St Barnabas Anglican Parish ‐Bluff
27 08 2024 Today's Gospel Mathew 23:23‐26 Reflection Jesus reminds us that is not the attention on the outside cleanness. He does not criticize the outside cleanness instead he is furious with the Pharisees preoccupation with the outside cleanness while ignoring the interior world of the heart, motives intentions and desires. Jesus once again reminds us that no amount of pre-occupation with external cleanliness will make the interior world clean. Greed desire for things including things that gotten by cheating others and self-indulgence are the seeds of all sorts of unclean thoughts and actions. The outside cannot be made truly clean unless we address those internal issues. Let us pray Almighty holy and awesome Father, please purify my heart and my desire by the cleansing power of your Holy Spirit. I want to reflect my interior and exterior worlds. May the words of my mouth, the thoughts of my mind, the motives of my heart and the actions of my hands be pleasing to you. I ask all this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour Amen. St. Barnabas Anglican Parish, Bluff.
26.08.24 Today's gospel Matthew 23:13-22 In the text, Jesus condemned the hypocrisy and self righteousness of the Pharisees, whose actions prevented others from entering the Kingdom. They neglected Justice, Mercy, and Faithfulness, instead prioritized minor laws over major ones. Let us pray. Lord call us to authentic faith and obedience. Teach us to avoid hypocrisy and self-righteousness. Encourage us to prioritize justice, mercy, and faithfulness. May we not become blind guides, leading others astray. Amen. St. Barnabas Anglican Parish, Bluff.
24.08.24 Matthew 23:1-12 Reflection Jesus' disciples are not to make a big display of religion nor are they to seek honorable titles like 'father' and 'teacher' and 'rabbi'. Our teacher is God, and the true disciples learn only from God. We find very often in Jesus a dismissal of ostentatious religion. He calls on his followers to be humble. Our church is to be humble, as we are to be in our dealings with each other. For this, we need prayer which inserts us daily into the mystery of being loved and called by God in Jesus Christ. Prayer Heavenly Father, help us serve in humility to show by our actions the love of Jesus. This is how the world can see God on earth. Amen! St Barnabas Anglican Parish, Bluff.
23/8/24 Today's gospel Mathew 22 v34 to 40. This reading is short and simple, also self-explanatory. So the greatest commandment is not some of our heart, but all of our heart, soul, and mind. This is where our Christian grounding starts. This is where everything begins and flows. And the second commandment is just as important. Let us pray Lord, fill us with Your unconditional love for all, and teach us to love our enemies. Give us the love that You demand through Your grace, we pray. Amen. |
AuthorChrist is Lord! Archives
September 2024