This past Sunday was the 3rd of March, and the 3rd Sunday in Lent. We are now in the middle of Lent.
We had only one service called combined service. We three congregations at St Barnabas. The first Sunday of the Month is combined for them to meet. The service was attended by over 200 people. I am very excited about what the Holy Spirit is doing at St Barnabas-Bluff. After the service we had a Fundraising Break Fast well supported. We had Baptismal Classes and Adult Confirmation. Whilst this was happening the Youth met in the Youth Room. The Youth are planning to gather enough food and toys during Lent to hand out to St Monica's Children's Home. To add this, we had our first Zimbabwe Anglican Service, attended by several Zimbabweans. Praying that it will grow from strength to strength. This evening we met and watched a DVD on The Fourth Cup. After a second watch of the Video, I do recommend it to all who would want to understand the Eucharist and why the Anglican Church celebrates the Eucharist every week in her Parishes across the Diocese of Natal and in the communion. Fr. Barnabas
AuthorChrist is Lord! Archives
September 2024