Alleluia Christ is Risen
We are an Easter People. People who live in Hope. We are the people of the Light. We proclaim that Jesus is Truly Risen, Alleluia, and Alleluia. Today, this morning is joyous occasion for the whole Church of Christ Jesus. Satan is defeated. He has lost the battle and the war. He has no power over those who are washed by the blood of Jesus. Our Easter song is Alleluia Christ is risen. We should not be afraid to tell the world of this wonderful and great news. We are not to be apologetic about our Hope in Jesus Christ. We are to proclaim it on roof tops, on mountain tops, because if we fail then stones will do it. Jesus Christ is Risen today, Alleluia! Our triumphant holy day, Alleluia! Who did once, upon the cross, Alleluia! Suffer to redeem our loss, Alleluia! This Song was written by Charles Wesley and it is sung today throughout the Church. It is a triumphant song for a triumphant Day, for Christ did for us what we could not do for ourselves. Christ has restored our relationship with God. Christ, who was Lamb of God and the High Priest, has offered himself as an acceptable sacrifice to God. Christ, who was without sin, has redeemed the whole human race. Ours is to acknowledge what Christ has done for us on the cross and to raise his name on high. Thanks be to Jesus Christ, our Lord, who suffered, who was crucified, died and now He is Risen. Without the Resurrection, without Easter, the Church would not exist. Death has been conquered; death does not have the finally world. The tomb is not our finally place of rest. Thank you Jesus! Eternity with the Lord has been assured through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Easter says to all we are liberated and we are free in the Lord Jesus Christ. On the behalf of my wife Rumbidzai, and the Church wardens, Parish Council, I would like to wish you all a Blessed Easter. Christ has Risen Alleluia! Fr. Barnabas Nqindi
AuthorChrist is Lord! Archives
September 2024